021442486 jay@mutality.one
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Every organisation exists in a community. It is an ecosystem within a habitat. Organisations need to adapt or perish, but how can you consistently transform while remaining true to your self? Well, it’s a process of intentional mutuality.


Your purpose determines how YOU connect with the community you are seeking to reach. It is your commission: what you exist in the world to do, what (or who) you represent, and what you have to contribute to the community. Before you communicate effectively and build community you need to “know thyself”.


Transmitting information is a complex exercise, and the larger the difference between the communicator and the recipient, the bigger the transmission challenge. What you convey and what your audience receives can be poles apart. Mutuality is a matter of matching what they want with what you can offer.


Haere Mai  |  Welcome

Here at Mutuality we’re passionate about finding connections between service providers and their communities, engaging them through efficient and cost effective communications. We excel at helping organisations find innovative solutions to strengthen their contribution to their communities. Scroll on through to find out more.


He Tangata |  It is People

Basic principles exist that enhance relationships, whether it is between people or organisations. Let us help you better commune with the people you are seeking to serve. Mutuality will help you embrace difference and bridge distance to build enduring relationships that are mutually beneficial—reciprocal even.


Korero  |  Talking

Our first language came so easily we can dangerously assume that how we converse is satisfactory. We can be wrong, on so many levels. Mutuality understands that communication is an art in continual need of refining. To connect well with others you need to first know who they are, not just what you want to say.


Whanaungatanga  |  Relating

Building a community is somewhat similar to creating a family. It requires developing a lot of trust and creating something unique together. The role of Mutuality is like that of a matchmaker and midwife, helping you to connect with your significant others and then assist with the birth of something unique and mutually beneficial from relationships that become whanaunga (a group of trusted friendships).


Some of the charities for whom Mutuality is providing support services to help them connect with their target communities.


Standard charge out rates are $110.00 per hour for consultancy or incidental work. Projects are itemized and a fixed price is agreed upon in writing prior to commencement. If project parameters change it may affect the final rate but this will be agreed before additional work begins.

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